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Harap Tunggu Proses Memuat Konten Halaman

Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013


NotNow description:
NotNow allows you ignore the incoming call and send a friendly SMS message to the caller.

There are times that you can not answer the call such as in a meeting, at the movie, driving or just busy. You can simply press the Ignore button and then select a pre-defined message to send to the caller.

New Do Not Disturb advanced feature to ignore all incoming calls. Integrate with Calendar application to enable and disable DND automatically.

You can optionally set NotNow to send to only people in your Contacts that have a mobile number. Landline callers may not be able to receive SMS and some carriers charges you for sending SMS to landline numbers. Check with your wireless carrier.

Here are some key features of "NotNow":
· Prompt to send message every time you ignore a call
· Prompt only when the call is less than xx seconds
· Send sms to only mobile phone number
· Filtering. Filter out callers you do not want to send SMS to
· Very easy to use

· BlackBerry OS 4.2 or later

DOWNLOAD OTA: [ Click here ]


Perihal: Diterbitkan oleh: pada pukul 09.23 WIB

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