Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013
Fans of Tower Defense games will really love this one! Like the title suggests, it really is addictive! Great if you wanna lose a few days of your life!
Meeting Mode
Suppose you’re sitting in your cubicle happily playing ATD, when you’re called to a Very Important Meeting, or you’re whirring down HWY 401 playing tower defense when you see the flashing lights of a police cruiser in your rear-view mirror. Hastily, in an effort to avoid at ticket, you stash your BlackBerry into its holster and start to whistle nonchalantly. But what happened to your game? Was it saved? Did it pause? Precious time is being wasted! Worry not, dear gamer, as we took these things into consideration when we designed the game. The result was what we call meeting mode, and it is a personal favourite of ours.
In the game options, you can set a safety distance, this safety distance is displayed in the game as a dashed red line. When meeting mode is enabled and your BlackBerry is placed in its holster, the game continues to play without your interaction until an attacker crosses the safety line. At this point, the game automatically pauses itself, and notifies you by either vibrating or ringing in a way that makes those around you think that you just got an important email (configurable of course). This means you won’t have to worry if you have to quickly put your BlackBerry away – the game will do its best to keep you safe.
Save Points
At any point, you can save your progress on a map to come back to it later. This is great for if you have to put the game down for a few days, or if you want to perfect your strategy on the final 20 waves of a map.
Wave Advancement
See what’s coming your way soon with the wave bar. The wave bar shows you which waves will be spawning soon so you can plan your maze in advance; it also conveniently stays out of your way until it’s needed. Advance waves early for extra gold and to accumulate interest sooner or let the attackers come at their own pace, how you play the game is up to you.
Tower Breakdown
Showing the tower list in game allows you to select towers to build but also to preview not only what the tower will cost at Level 1 but what each further upgrade will cost you and what you will get in return. Plan your maze around your future investment in upgrades and learn which towers best suit your strategy without ever having to leave the game.
Fast Forward
Confident in the strength of your maze? Press ‘x’ or tap fast-forward to send the creeps running at up to 6x as fast as they normally would.
Control Scheme
The control scheme in Addictive Tower Defense is based around three modes representing the three things you do the most: Scrolling, Focusing and Building. Clicking the trackball in Scrolling mode changes to Focusing mode, clicking the trackball again puts you in Build mode where you can click to place towers. Pressing the escape key in Build mode changes to Focusing mode, and again puts you in Scrolling mode where you began. This design allows you to quickly build mazes, move between towers directly without excessive rolling of the trackball and navigate the map.
1. Scrolling Mode
Scroll freely around the screen to quickly observe the whole map and strategize.
2. Focus Mode
Focus on towers and navigate easily between towers without having to wear out your trackball.
3. Build Mode
Build towers one at a time or many all at once, in build mode there is no need to navigate menus to build another tower just scroll, click and build your maze.
Map Ratings
Love our brilliant level design? Think that a map is impossible to best? All of the maps that you’ve played can be given a rating out of 5 stars, so you can easily find your favourite maps, and compare your thoughts with others. We’re always coming up with great new maps ideas, letting us know which ones you think are great too lets us focus on the maps we know you’ll want to play all day long.
Leader Boards
Want to be hot with the ladies? Get the best grades in school? Wrestle with a bear and win? Then you need to get the top score in the leader boards! For each map there is a leader board that displays the top scores of your friends and enemies. Perfect your strategies and compete for the number one spot. Use your rank to gloat at every opportunity or help others by posting strategies on our site.
Statistics and Scores
Since we know you’ll be fighting for the top spot on the leader boards we need to give you everything you need to get every last point possible. When you finish your game, win or lose, you’ll be presented with a breakdown of some of the useful statistics from your game and the factors that contributed to your score.
Blackberry Device:
8520, 8900, 8910, 8930, 8980, 9000, 9630, 9650, 9700, 9800
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