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Sabtu, 02 November 2013

Use Voice Memo to record quick notes to yourself or record a note for any Contact in the Contacts application.

Use Voice Memo to record quick notes to yourself or record a note for any Contact in the Contacts application.

Optionally record a voice memo for the caller whenever you hang up the phone.

Email the voice memo to the caller or create a new appointment and attach the voice memo. Playback the voice memo in the appointment.

All the voice memos are stored in their own folders on the SD Card so no need to back them up.

You can playback all the voice memos for each Contact or memos to yourself at any time.

Note: Permission must be set to all ALLOW in the Options->Advanced->Applications application for Voice Memo.

DOWNLOAD:  VoiceMemo


Perihal: Diterbitkan oleh: pada pukul 07.27 WIB

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